Welcome to LIFE V Homepage Project


LIFE V is a one-credit course provided for the second-year high school students at this school.  The course is designed to promote cross-cultural understanding through communication with people with various cultural backgrounds.


In 2001, the students designed homepages and each the following was chosen as the best one by the students in each class.  Please enjoy reading the pages and send e-mail if you have any comments or questions to sen@fukuyama.hiroshima-u.ac.jp

We welcome such letters because they will encourage our students.  The mail will first be read by the coordinator of the course (Moroji Sengiku, an English teacher) and passed to the students who actually wrote the contents.  The students will write you back, but please be patient until you get the letters particularly when they are on vacations.




1. Fukuyama castle and Japanese culture

2. mochi (rice cake)

3. kotoa traditional Japanese musical stringed instrument similar to a harp)

4. katori-senkou (anti-mosquito pyrethrum)

5. yokai (imaginative creatures)