Research and Development


■ Themes

lRD of how to bring up positive students at schoo1  (1950-1952)

2RD of the consistent 6-year high school  (1962- )

3RD of the classes supported by the multi-media device  (1975-1977)

4RD of the curriculum for Srhigh school  (1976-1978)

5RD of the teaching methods  (1978-1980)

6RD of the education aiming at development of individual talent  (1978-1980)

7RD of the curriculum for Jrand Srhigh schools  (1986-1988)

8RD of the homemaking course for male and female students  (1993-1994)

9RD of the teaching methods of Japanese classes for Jrhigh school students  (1995-1996)

10Model School of GLOBE project  (1995-1996)

  …environmental education

11Model School of 100School Networking Project  (1995-1997)

   environmental education using Internet

12RD of the teaching methods for Srhigh school students  (1996-1997)

13Model School of EIL Net  (1997-1998)

   environmental education using Internet

14RD of the curriculum of thePeriod for Integrated Studyat the consistent 6-year high school  (2000-2002)

15School specified for Srhigh school education curriculum research2002commissioned by the Ministry of EducationCultureSportsScience and Technology  (2002)

16Execution of science partnership programSPP project)(from 2000 to〜,commissioned by the Ministry of EducationCultureSportsScience and Technology  (2002- )

17Schools specified for research development  (2003-2008)

 (from 2003 to 2005commissioned by the Ministry of EducationCultureSportsScience and Technology